About the Animation
This is an animation that shows how hospitals compete under various market scenarios. Every time the color changes, the simulation resets and starts a new iteration using the same settings. This online demonstration contains fifty iterations worth of data. Each iteration is based on the settings of two market parameters. The bars that you see are all normalized every instant, so that the firm with the highest values of the variable in question has a bar that fills the screen, and the other firms have bars that are shorter by the appropriate proportion.
Controlling the Animation:
i: displays the prices of the hospitals
o: displays the profits of the hospitals
q: displays the quantities of the hospitals
Changing the Market Scenarios:
1: Consumer Driven Healthcare, in which all patients weigh the distance and cost of a hospital equally
2: Consumer Driven Healthcare, in which all patients place three times as much weight on the cost of a hospital as its distance
3: A decade of Consumer Driven Healthcare, in which all patients weigh the distance and cost of a hospital equally, followed by a decade without Consumer Driven Healthcare
4: A decade of Consumer Driven Healthcare, Consumer Driven Healthcare, in which all patients place three times as much weight on the cost of a hospital as its distance, followed by a decade without Consumer Driven Healthcare
5: No Consumer Driven Healthcare
6: A decade without Consumer Driven Healthcare, followed by a decade with Consumer Driven Healthcare, in which all patients weigh the distance and cost of a hospital equally
7: A decade without Consumer Driven Healthcare, followed by a decade with Consumer Driven Healthcare, in which all patients place three times as much weight on the cost of a hospital as its distance
Built with Processing